The Virgo Series


I don’t want to necessarily call this piece finished, but sometimes I’ll get an image in my head and feel the urge to create it. My perspective on these pieces is about catching lightning in a bottle, making my thoughts into some form of art before the vision fades. The first one in the series came to me while I was sick in bed in late December of 2019, about a week before the turn of the decade. Perhaps I already know the true meaning behind it but this is one of those ambiguous cases where my interpretation is no more or less accurate than yours.

Another entry in this series means I probably found another strike of inspiration.

The core visual ideology here is using simple shapes to create the form, and then crystallizing it to shade and give weight to the person. This geometric, shattered effect works best with a high contrast between the foreground and background, so I went with my two favorite contrasting colors. The set is rough around the edges on a few sections, but I’ve chosen to keep it as is to keep track of my improvement.